Monday, March 12, 2012

Regular expression for special character in C#

Regex reg = new Regex("[~#%&;*{}\\:<>?/\"|$]+");
 if (reg.IsMatch(TxtBox.Text.Trim()))
//Error Msg

getting only file name from fileupload control and checking for special character in file name :-JQuery

function ValidateThumbnail() {
//get file name
        var path = $("[id$=fileUploadControl]").val();
        var pos = path.lastIndexOf(path.charAt(path.indexOf(":") + 1));
        var f = path.substring(pos + 1);
       //check for special char
        if ((f.indexOf("#", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf("&", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf("*", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf(";", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf("$", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf("%", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf("^", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf("{", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf("}", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf("|", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf("/", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf("?", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf("~", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf(":", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf("<", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf(">", 0) >= 0)
        || (f.indexOf("\"", 0) >= 0)
        ) {
            alert("File: [" + f + "] contains invalid character");
            return false; //will stop button click event here
        return true;

JQuery POP UP during page load /Post back

give call to below fuction on client click

function ShowLoading(e) {
        var div = document.createElement('div');
        var img = document.createElement('img');
        img.src = '/_layouts/Portal/Images/ajax-loader-1.gif';
        div.innerHTML = "Please wait...<br />"; = 'position: fixed; top: 30%; left: 40%; z-index: 5000; width: 222px; text-align: center; background: #fff; border: 1px solid #000';

TaxonomyWebTaggingControl in UpdatePanel with AJAX

When asyncronuous postback will happen it will not load the TaxonomyWebTaggingControl because DOM gets null.
Use below methode to load TaxonomyWebTaggingControl  after asyn postback.

private string GetReloadJavaScript(TaxonomyWebTaggingControl taxonomyControl)
            String script = String.Empty;
            String containerId = SPEncode.ScriptEncode(taxonomyControl.Controls[1].ClientID);
            Type type_TaxonomyWebTaggingControl = typeof(TaxonomyWebTaggingControl);
            MethodInfo mi_getOnloadJavascript = type_TaxonomyWebTaggingControl.GetMethod("getOnloadJavascript", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
            String fullScript = (String)mi_getOnloadJavascript.Invoke(taxonomyControl, null);
            int pos = fullScript.IndexOf(String.Format("function {0}_load()", containerId));
            if (pos > -1)
                StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                builder.Append("var myPrm_" + taxonomyControl.ID + " = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();");
                builder.Append("myPrm_" + taxonomyControl.ID + ".add_endRequest(EndRequest_" + taxonomyControl.ID + ");");
                builder.Append("function EndRequest_" + taxonomyControl.ID + "(sender, args)");
                // we get te first part of the script needed to initialization
                // we start from pos 1, because we don't need the leading '{'
                builder.Append(fullScript.Substring(1, pos - 1));
                script = builder.ToString();
            return script;

How to call above methode

String key1 = "TaxonomyWebTaggingAjaxIncludeOnce1";
                if (!this.Page.ClientScript.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(base.GetType(), key1))
                    this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(base.GetType(), key1, GetReloadJavaScript(taxanomyProjectCategory_taxonomyControl), true);


give multiple call to methode for all taxonomy controls on page.

SharePoint document metadata not updating

I faced a weird issue today, Metadata for document which has lookup column was not updating even after saving the item. There was no erro...