PS > $spList.AllowDeletion = $false
PS > $spList.Update()
PS > $spWeb.Dispose()
<script type="text/javascript"> function ChangeDiscussionMessage() { var a = document.getElementsByTagName("TD"); for ( var i=0; i<a.length; i++ ) { if (a[i].className=="ms-vb") { if (a[i].innerHTML.indexOf("There are no items to show in this view")>-1 && a[i].innerHTML.indexOf("discussion board")>-1) { a[i].innerHTML = "There are no active discussions"; } } } } _spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames.push("ChangeDiscussionMessage"); </script>
I faced a weird issue today, Metadata for document which has lookup column was not updating even after saving the item. There was no erro...